Friday, March 31, 2017

Week in Review: March 27-31

In math, we are working on multiplication of 2 digit times 1 digit numbers. We are learning different strategies, and will also learn the standard algorithm.

Using color tiles to learn the "double and half" strategy. Ask your child about this one!

Practicing "double and half" with grid paper.

In science, students created ecosystem brochures to show off their knowledge of a particular ecosystem. They also learned a lot about food chains and food webs this week with several interactive activities. We wrapped up our unit on ecosystems and food chains with a test on Friday. We will move on to adaptations and traits next week.

Food chains in our science notebooks

In language arts, we brainstormed many ideas for personal narratives and at the end of the week, began working on a new rough draft. We also continued with our daily book club meetings, but took a break from that one day to work on a Scholastic News magazine with partners of our choice.

Playing a board game to review the Scholastic News magazine

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Week in Review: March 20 - 24

With spring break behind us, we dove right back into our curriculum!

In language arts, students formed book clubs based on a novel of their choice. They will meet each day for 3 weeks to read together, discuss what they have read, and complete various other writing activities to go along with their novel. They also finished up their Powtoons PSAs to encourage recycling.

In math, we wrapped up our unit on weight and capacity. This involved lots of hands-on weighing and pouring and estimating, and they seemed to enjoy it and learn a lot. After a review on Thursday, students took a district assessment on Friday over perimeter, weight, volume, capacity, time and multiplication and division.

In science, we are continuing to learn about how plants and animals adapt to their environment. Students researched a habitat of their choice and will create an informational brochure next week to share what they learned. Next week, we will also move onto food chains to wrap up the unit.

Vocabulary "Touch and Talk" with new terms

Sorting and matching vocabulary terms with their pictures and definitions

It was super fun to see a few of my students at Baskin Robbins on Wednesday night. Scooping ice cream is harder than it looks...I think I'll stick to teaching! Thanks for coming out to support the Elsa England PTA! I hope you have a great weekend.