Friday, January 30, 2015

Week in Review: January 26-30

We did some fun, hands-on activities in science this week! Students worked in small groups to build volcanoes outside and enjoyed watching them erupt. It was a great way for them to see how the surface of the earth can change very rapidly from a volcano.

They also simulated an earthquake with graham crackers as tectonic plates and frosting being the magma the plates rest on. Unfortunately due to my training this week, I missed all the fun of volcano eruptions and graham cracker earthquakes on Tuesday and Wednesday so I don't have any pictures of those.

In language arts, we are wrapping up our poetry unit and moving onto biographies next week. We took a look at a sample STAAR poetry passage to learn the kinds of questions they might see in April when it comes to poetry selections.

In math, we reviewed on Monday and tested on Tuesday over fractions. The test grades were good for the most part, and most of the mistakes that I did see were due to careless mistakes, such as not reading the entire question. We moved back into multiplication and are focusing on our 9s and 6s facts, so please continue to work with your child on learning those facts!

I hope you all have a great weekend, and remember that next Wednesday is an early release day, so students will be released at 12:45pm.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Week in Review: January 20-23

I could get used to these 4 day weeks! I think the students enjoy an extra day off as well. I hope you all had a great 3 day weekend.

This week we wrapped up our fraction unit in math. We did some review stations on Friday, will wrap up our review on Monday, and test on Tuesday. Next, we will begin working more on multiplication and division, particularly in solving 2 step word problems. Our fact focus will be on the 6s and 9s multiplication facts.

Using a number line and cars to model fractions to solve a word problem about driving to school.

Using counters to represent Girl Scout cookies...trying to determine the fraction of cookies that I ate!

Ordering fractions

We spent some social studies time on Tuesday and Wednesday discussing Martin Luther King, Jr. I was pleasantly surprised that most of them knew who he was and why he is such a significant figure in our history. For science on Friday, we did another activity with Mrs. Swyers class...this time building a model of a mountain and causing a landslide from "torrential" rainfall to observer how the earth changes.

Setting up our notebooks for observations.

Raining on the mountain to cause a landslide.

Mountain model done, getting ready for the rainstorm!

In language arts. we are still exploring various types of poetry, and trying our hands at writing them as well. Friday we did a fun activity I call "Found Poetry" where groups of students wrote descriptive paragraphs about a photograph. They then shared those paragraphs, and created a group poem by selecting the most beautiful language from each one. Look for a new bulletin board coming soon to display these as we finish up next week.

Just as an FYI, I will be out next week on Tuesday and Wednesday for more Capturing Kids Hearts training. I am honored to have been chosen as one of three "Process Champions" from our campus to receive this extended training, and bring it back to develop and implement a campus-wide plan of action. Mrs. Howard will be our substitute for both days, and she is great! I'm leaving my kids in good hands. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Week in Review: January 6-9

Happy New Year! We've kicked off 2015 with a great first week back! In science, students are working in small groups to study either earthquakes, landslides, or volcanoes. They will create a presentation to share their knowledge with the rest of the class next week.

We began a poetry unit in Language Arts, and over the next few weeks, students will be exploring all types of poems. They will even be writing several of their own poems! We began the week with a discussion of the features of poetry, after students had the opportunity to read many different types of poems.We focused on free verse poems towards the end of this week (poems that follow no set rhyming / rhythm scheme, and no punctuation rules). For one activity, students rotated around the room reading 5 different poems and jotting their thinking down on sticky notes. We then spent some time as a class discussing each poem and their thoughts.

To wrap up the week, students used "Monarch Butterfly" as a model to write their own free verse poem from the point of view of an animal or object.

In math, we are delving into fractions, and they seem to be doing well with this so far. We spent two days rotating through 4 stations, where students used manipulatives such as fraction circles, folded paper rectangles, pattern blocks, and fraction bars to explore equivalent fractions. It will get more challenging next week, as we discuss fractions as a set.

Next week, we will back into the regular homework routine. On Monday, your child will come home with a Bingo sheet, a math worksheet, and a spelling list. You will notice that the spelling list looks a little different, but they will still have 15 words as always.

Have a great weekend!