Friday, November 18, 2016

Week in Review: November 14-18

What a great week it has been! Throughout the week, we celebrated International Children's Week with assemblies on Monday and Friday, a guest speaker on Monday to teach us about Sweden, and the Thursday evening event for families that I hope many of you were able to attend. I was committed to a Coach's Dinner for Girls on the Run so I was not able to attend.

In language arts, students are in the middle of researching about trash, recycling, or ocean pollution (their choice of topic) for our PBL project. We will be using that research to write expository articles about what we have learned before winter break. We had a guest speaker, the owner of "Break It Down," a company that diverts waste from landfills.

In math, we began studying division, and how it is related to multiplication. If you have time over the Thanksgiving break, please spend a few minutes practicing math facts (especially multiplication) with your child.

In social studies, we are continuing to learn about the three branches of government, focusing on the judicial branch this week. Students served on a "Supreme Court" and participated in a mock trial to learn the process that our Justices go through.

In science, we are learning about forces such as gravity and magnetism. We spent one afternoon simply exploring with magnets, and learning about repelling and opposite poles.

And what better way to learn about gravity than by designing and testing parachutes for army men? The students enjoyed this project and it was a fun way to wrap up our week.

I think the highlight of the week was cup stacking! On Thursday, the entire third grade participated in a "Stack Up!", which is a challenge to have the most people sport stacking at multiple locations in one day. Yes, stacking cups really is a thing...I had no idea. The kids had a great time trying several different challenges and timing themselves. Special thank to Ms. Potral for organizing this for us!

Just a reminder that there is no school next week. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your family, and I will see everyone on Monday November 28. This year, I am especially thankful for such a wonderful group of third graders!

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