Friday, February 13, 2015

Week in Review: February 9 - 13

In language arts, we spent Monday and Tuesday preparing for Wednesday's writing district assessment. Students had to answer multiple choice questions about revising and editing, and then write their own one page narrative. We walked through the writing process, from planning with a bubble map, to a rough draft, then revising and editing, and finally, a final copy of their best work. Students worked hard on Wednesday and I am confident they did their best!

We were only able to do two science experiments this week, but we learned a lot about how soil forms from these two activities. Students should have a clear understanding of weathering through wind, water, and other natural events such as earthquakes or landslides.

Students found the mass of two large rocks.

Finding the mass

Students then took turns banging the rocks together, to simulate earth's forces weathering the rocks.

More rock banging...goggles on for safety!

And yet more banging...this was a noisy morning!

On Thursday, we put some rocks and water in a jar...

and everyone had a turn to vigorously shake the jar, simulating water's effect on rocks.

We then filtered the water through a paper towel and this was the sediment left behind.

In math, we tested over multiplication and then moved into reviewing 2D and 3D shapes. We enjoyed some shape sorting and laptop games to do this reviewing. We will continue with geometry, as well as area and perimeter over the next two weeks.

And of course, we can't forget the highlight of the week....Friday's Valentine's Day party. Fun was had by all! A special thanks to our room parents, and all who donated supplies or volunteered to make it possible. Have a great three day school on Monday!

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