Friday, November 7, 2014

Week in Review: November 3-7

This week in math, we wrapped up our unit on time and money, and began working on multiplication again. We will be focusing on the 2s, 4s, and 8s facts for the next couple of weeks, as well as learning various strategies for representing multiplication.

Our science / social studies block was a bit choppy this week. With one day of hearing and vision screening, and two days of internet research, we had a social studies lesson on bullying, and a did a fun experiment in science with balloons filled with the three different states of matter. The kids had no trouble at all predicting what was in each balloon (water, ice, air) and what would happen when we poked each one with a pin!

In language arts, we worked on descriptive writing, with a strong focus on verbs and adjectives. We also began discussing the various text structures of non-fiction writing. On Tuesday, we had a lesson in the library on researching. This was in preparation for International Children's Week, which is coming up November 17-21. Using these skills, we spent our laptop time on Friday morning researching Germany for our class's country.

With the cold and rainy weather, we had a few days of indoor recess, which everyone seemed to enjoy for a change of pace. They spent their recess time playing games, drawing, and building with unifix cubes.

Please don't forget to send in your rinsed out gallon plastic jugs before Friday. We also need as many bottle caps as you can collect for the next several months. Just save them up and send them to me in bags once you have quite a collection built up. We are looking forward to creating some fun bottle cap art! Have a great weekend!

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