Friday, April 25, 2014

Weekly Wrap-Up

Not a lot to report for this week! Monday was a relaxing day with our flashlight read-in and a fun math Jeopardy review game.

Congratulations to the boys who beat the girls by 30 points! Then of course, Monday and Tuesday were taken up with testing.

In math, we jumped right back into fractions and spent Thursday and Friday using fraction circles, fraction bars, and paper strips to explore equivalent fractions.

We have finished revising and editing our persuasive letters and will get those typed up when we have our laptop day on Tuesday next week. On Friday, I gave all of the students a lengthy spelling pre-test from a list of words that a typical third grader should be able to spell. Based on those results, I will determine each student's spelling lists for the last few weeks of school. Speaking of that....can you believe there are only 5 weeks of school left?!?

We also spent some time preparing for our Warrior Walk for Water. Some students designed invitations, others made posters, and two small groups began working on informational displays that we will share at the walk.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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