We started the week by creating our class social contract. Rather than a list of teacher-dictated class rules, we discussed how we want to be treated in class. All of these ideas came together in a Class Social Contract that each student signed to pledge that they would follow the contract.
We had a wonderful student scribe as we created our contract! |
In math, we are learning about data and graphs. We have studied dot plots, pictographs, bar graphs, and frequency tables. Students created their own survey question, collected data from the class, and have then used that data to create a pictograph and a bar graph. On Friday, we tested how far we could jump and used that data to create a class dot plot. Then we had a little snack of yummy raisins...but not before collecting data and creating another dot plot representing the number of raisins in a box!
Noticing and Wondering about graphs! |
We have also done some place value review by building towers out of base 10 blocks, then determining what number they represent, as well as making Hundred Faces. A "Hundred Face" is a challenge to design a face out of cuisenaire rods, where the total value of the rods used adds up to 100. This was so fun and they came up with so many creative ideas!
Building place value towers |
Hundreds Faces! |
In science this week, we have been talking about the design process, as well as the importance of structure and function of man-made objects. The design process always begins with a question or problem to solve, and then moves onto planning and modeling, followed by evaluating. My class has been challenged to create the tallest "beanstalk" they could with only 10 pipe cleaners and some tape, build a house out of straw, sticks or bricks to keep pigs safe from the Big Bad Wolf, and to design a one-of-kind paintbrush. There has been lots of great group discussions, much trial and error, and of course, learning about the design process.
The tallest beanstalk! |
Building Three Little Pig houses |
The "Big Bad Wolf" coming to blow their houses down! |
Making paintbrushes |
And finally, in language arts, we have spent the week doing lots of independent reading after daily mini-lessons on strategies that good reader use. We have talked about how good readers ask questions, make connections, notice surprising details, and visualize while they read. I have been busy testing individual students, and I am so proud of how the others have been staying focused on their reading. We've been busy as writers too! Students brainstormed a list of qualities they look for in a friend, as well as what they have to offer in a friendship. They took those ideas and wrote "Friend Wanted" ads. We attempted to type those up on Thursday, but between lack of typing skills and intermittent wi-fi service, they were not all completed. I'll be working with students one-on-one next week to wrap those up and hope to have them on display by the end of next week!
We ended Friday afternoon with E-SLOT...an hour of school-wide enrichment. In my class, students had the choice of creating art from a variety of supplies, or to build race tracks for Hot Wheels car, testing how tall a ramp would need to be in order to propel a car all the way across the room. It was a great way to wrap up our week!
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