This has been a busy, full 5 day week for sure! In language arts, students took the district wide assessments over biographies, as well as expository writing. We also continued working on our PBL articles and most students are done, or nearly done, with their final draft. Students worked all week in small book clubs reading a biography of their choice, and then completing a project about the subject of their biography. We also finished up our One Little Word paragraphs and got those posted in the common area.
In math, we had a full class this week, as our TAG math students stayed in the room all week because the TAG teachers were doing testing. We've been working on area all week, and how to apply it to problem solving.
Finding the area of various shapes |
We finished up our unit on land changes in science with a landslide investigation on Monday and a test on Tuesday. Students really enjoyed this unit! We have now moved onto studying soil. We have been putting the soil samples you all sent in to good use, as we explore what makes up soil and how it is composed of layers.
Making landslide models |
Learning new vocab |
Studying soil samples |
Observing layers of soil |
In social studies, we are learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. in honor of the upcoming holiday. Remember, there is no school for students (or teachers, yay!) on Monday. Have a wonderful three day weekend!
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