Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Classroom Update

These last couple of months of school are just flying by! Ms. Na is in the middle of her "total teach", and only has 2 more weeks with us after this week. Her last day will be Friday May 3 and I and the students will miss her!

In math, we finished our unit on measurement and are moving onto 2 digit multiplication. Students will learn how to multiply a 2 digit by 1 digit number using a few different strategies. We do eventually teach the standard algorithm, but we also learn other strategies such as breaking apart. Here is an example of the breaking apart strategy:

24 X 3 can be thought of as 20 X 3 plus 4 X 3
60 + 12 = 72

In science, we wrapped up a unit on food chains and environments, and are now learning about structures that plants and animals have, and the functions of those structures that help them thrive in their environment.

In language arts students have been hard at work on writing two different personal narratives. Next week, they will choose their favorite to take through the rest of the writing process of revising and editing. For reading, students are participating in book clubs reading different novels as we review all of our reading skills such as summarizing, making connections, and studying character development. This is always a fun way to do some final review for the STAAR reading test in May.

As a reminder, there is no school this Friday, and I hope everyone enjoys the three day weekend!

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