We've been busy this week in science learning about the types of energy. We started off learning lots of new vocabulary with Touch and Talk cards, and vocabulary sorting cards. We have also done an energy scavenger hunt around the school, and also a couple of investigations into sound. Ask you child about the straw kazoos, or the water glass music. We will continue our study of energy next week as we build our solar ovens to make s'mores. Thanks to all who sent in donations for that project!
Touch and Talk Vocabulary |
Vocabulary Card Sorting |
Energy Scavenger Hunt |
Straw Kazoos....oh, if you only could have heard it!! |
Water Glass Music Notes |
In language arts, we are reading and writing lots of poetry. So far we have learned about free verse poems and narrative poems, and next week, I will introduce lyrical and humorous poems. Friday was National Writing Day, so we created a graffiti wall in the main hallway where we shared why we love to write.
Analyzing Poems |
We created a graffiti wall to share why we love to write. |
In math, we have been studying multiplication, particularly focusing on the 10s and 5s facts. Next week, we will be moving into the 2s and 4s facts. We are also spending some time reviewing fractions that they learned in 2nd grade.
Working on doubling numbers, and halving numbers. |
Math games to reinforce the 10s facts. |
In social studies, we are still studying what it means to be a good citizen. Next week, we will participate in a mock trial where a third grade student is accused of stealing a lunch! Eleven students in the class have a role in the trial, while the other 12 will serve as the jury to help decide the verdict in the case. It should be a lot of fun!
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