In math, we are working on multiplication of 2 digit times 1 digit numbers. We are learning different strategies, and will also learn the standard algorithm.
Using color tiles to learn the "double and half" strategy. Ask your child about this one! |
Practicing "double and half" with grid paper. |
In science, students created ecosystem brochures to show off their knowledge of a particular ecosystem. They also learned a lot about food chains and food webs this week with several interactive activities. We wrapped up our unit on ecosystems and food chains with a test on Friday. We will move on to adaptations and traits next week.
Food chains in our science notebooks |
In language arts, we brainstormed many ideas for personal narratives and at the end of the week, began working on a new rough draft. We also continued with our daily book club meetings, but took a break from that one day to work on a Scholastic News magazine with partners of our choice.
Playing a board game to review the Scholastic News magazine |
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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