This week in language arts, we used ideas from our heart maps to begin drafting our personal narratives. We talked about how we need to think of our special moment in slow motion as we are writing, and students sketched a storyboard of their moment. They had a chance to share these with a partner before beginning their drafts. We will be working on revising and editing these drafts over the next couple of weeks. During reading workshop, we learned about point of view, making inferences from our text, visualizing while we are reading and summarizing a story.
Sharing storyboards |
Making inferences from photos |
In math, we continued our study of place value and reviewed some second grade skills such as measuring items with a ruler and placing numbers on a number line.
Adding with base 10 blocks |
Station 1: Comparing numbers with a dice game |
Station 2: Using Base 10 blocks to determine if statements are true or false about a 3-digit number. |
Station 3: Small group with the teacher |
"Car Buying" lesson! |
We had a great week in science learning about the states of matter. We began Monday with a balloon poke experiment. The students first observed three balloons (one filled with air, one filled with water, and one that had been filled with water and frozen overnight). They had to make predictions about what would happen when we poked a pin into each one.
We also spent one afternoon rotating through 6 different matter stations, exploring mass, magnetism, temperature, buoyancy, and texture.
We also did two activities online, one through Stemscopes which is an interactive curriculum tool, and their first Google Classroom assignment. Student visited various websites and answered comprehension questions about each one in a Google Document that they then submitted to me electronically.
In social studies, we continued our research on well-known activists, and each student group created a poster on their assigned person and presented it to the class. We are also learning about digital citizenship through some fun interactive games online.
It's been a full week, and I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! I look forward to seeing my students again on Monday!
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