This week we finished our expository composition rough drafts, we will publish our final copies early next week. We also continued working in book groups, focusing on cause and effect and summarizing. On Thursday, we used our language arts time to set up a new program called iStation Reading on our Chromebooks. This is an online reading tool that can be used to reinforce specific skills. The students did lessons this week on summarizing and vocabulary this week, with a focus on synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
In math, we wrapped up our place value review and financial literacy unit with a district assessment on Thursday. We will begin 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication next week!
Early finishers in math play review games. |
A new money / financial literacy math game. |
In science, we are continuing to study the life cycles of animals and plants. We even have our own ladybug larva so we can observe firsthand how they change throughout their life cycle. We've also got tadpoles on the way!
We began a new unit of study in social studies about how communities change over time. This week, we have learned about how transportation and communication have evolved over the last couple of centuries.
It's hard to believe, but we only have 4 full weeks of school before the STAAR test. Even harder to believe is that there are only 8 weeks of school left in the year. Time flies when you're having fun in third grade!
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