Friday, April 10, 2015

Week in Review: April 6-10

This week in science we have discussed environments and their populations, and how certain changes can impact the population. Students played a game about an imaginary armadillo population in small groups and recorded how their population changed in a pictograph after a variety of environmental changes.

The students enjoyed using the online Stemscopes tool to review vocabulary terms, answer some basic comprehension questions, and write about what they learned.

In reading, we have continued to read examples of traditional literature, while focusing on important skills such as summarizing and identifying cause and effect. We have also begun our rough drafts of individual realistic fiction stories.

In math, we spent one day on basic financial literacy with an online activity. Students learned about saving, tracking their spending and cutting costs, and the impact of borrowing. We are continuing to review all basic skills as we prepare for the STAAR test on April 21. I'm using lots of strategies to keep them engaged in this review such as dry erase work, small groups, and gallery walks as you can see in the photos below.

We had a fun Friday morning with an assembly to honor all of our wonderful parent volunteers, followed by some third grade team time. We allowed the students to choose a station to work on a variety of PBL related projects such as creating designs for bottle cap art, making PSAs about plastic bottle schools, or writing songs / poems about our cause. They enjoyed the freedom to choose based on their own passion!

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