Friday, December 12, 2014

Week in Review: December 8-12

This week in math, we wrapped up our unit on multiplication and division. The test was almost all problem solving (word problems) so we got lots of extra practice doing solve around the room and  a great online program called Thinking Blocks. Students did very well on the test, and I am sending those home today!

Students worked their way around the room, solving three word problems on large chart papers, then covering their answers with a sticky note labeled with their name, so I could easily check on their progress, yet they could not see other responses.

We used the Thinking Blocks online tool to solve multiplication and division problems with strip diagrams.

On Friday, students had a chance to look at their district math assessment. This was a great learning experience for them as they practiced taking a standardized test, and then looked at what kinds of questions they missed. It's also a great tool for me to guide my instruction. We will touch on fractions next week, but the bulk of that unit will be after winter break.

In science, students enjoyed working through six stations exploring different mixtures, and the tools we can use to separate different types of mixtures, such as a magnet, funnel, or sieve. We discussed properties of matter, and how materials in a mixture maintain their original properties. 

We also did more research about the effects of plastic for our PBL. And on Friday during science, we participated in an "Hour of Code" (actually 1.5 hours, because they were so into it!!) where students had a chance to experience computer programming through fun Angry Birds and Frozen-themed games. They can work on this more at home from the links on my Websites page on this blog.

In language arts, we learned about the three purposes of writing: to entertain, to persuade, or to inform. We also practiced a new strategy called RAN, which is an acronym for Reading and Analyzing Nonfiction. It is a great tool to get them thinking about what they are reading, and applying their prior knowledge to what they are learning.

Remember that next week is only a 4 day week, then the kids are out of school until Tuesday January 6, 2015!! Thursday the 17th is our winter party from 12:45pm-1:30pm, and you are welcome to join us.

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