Be sure to check out Water Warriors' latest efforts in our
partnership with H2O for Life. We now have a website where you can donate money to the cause. We are trying to raise over $4000 to fund a project for a primary school in Kenya to provide them with safe drinking water.
In language arts, we continued the station rotations that we began last week. The class was divided into four groups and over the course of several days, each student worked at the following stations: Synonyms / Antonyms, Poetry Reading, Poetry Writing, and Benchmark Review with Mrs. Lipe.
Working with Mrs. Lipe to review our reading assessment. |
Poetry Writing Station |
Sorting synonyms and antonyms |
More synonym / antonym practice |
Poetry Reading Station |
In math this week, students were tested over fractions on Monday (tests went home in Thursday folders). We then began a unit on measurement by discussing inch, foot and yard. The following day, we compared these measurements to the metric system of centimeters and meters. Students worked in groups of 3 to create their own meter-stick to measure a variety of objects, which they ordered from longest to shortest. On Monday, we will participate in a "Measurement Olympics" which should be a lot of fun!
We wrapped up out unit on the solar system in science with a test on Friday. Next week, we will begin an economics unit for social studies.
Despite all of hard work this week, we were still able to find some time for outdoor recess. It seems like a long time since we were able to get outside! Several of the girls were so excited to find this large sheet of ice. We're not used to this kind of weather in Texas! :)
Friday was the Valentine's Day party and a great time was had by all. Thanks to all the parents who donated items, money, or their time to make the party a success! Enjoy your weekend and remember, we DO have school on Monday as a bad weather make-up day.
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