I can hardly believe how fast my first week in the classroom flew by! We were busy every moment of every day, and I was so proud of how hard my third graders worked.
In my last post, I discussed our "Slingshot Sedan" experiment in science, and after we completed that, we did a study of gravity. I did several demonstrations for the class to clear up any misconceptions they may have had about how fast an object will fall. (Ask them to show you our coffee filter and rock demonstration...that elicited quite a few gasps in class!) :) Then we got down to work and in groups of three, the students assembled parachutes using a variety of materials (tissue paper, plastic, and fabric).Our question: which material would make the best parachute?
Below are pictures of the class showing off their completed parachutes, but unfortunately, I was not able to take any photos during the actual dropping of the parachute. This was because I was directing traffic on the first floor to make sure no one was injured by parachuting teddy bears!

Below are pictures of the class showing off their completed parachutes, but unfortunately, I was not able to take any photos during the actual dropping of the parachute. This was because I was directing traffic on the first floor to make sure no one was injured by parachuting teddy bears!
Thursday morning, three guest speakers from the Water Development Board joined our team to speak to the kids about our local watershed region, WUGs (Water Usage Groups), and water conservation. Did you know that agriculture is the largest user of water in our area, using double the amount of water that our municipal (the people in the city) uses? The speakers were engaging, and between relay races, videos, and interactive demonstrations, all of our students stayed focused and on task, and most certainly gained new knowledge.
Friday, we wrapped up the week with tests in spelling, multiplication and science. Those grades will come home in Thursday folders.
Looking ahead to December 16-20, for language arts, we will continue to work in our Water Warriors groups. My students are done researching, and have decided as a class to create magazine articles in each of their groups to share their new knowledge with others. We will be using Google Drawing to collaborate on these informational articles, so that students within the same group can "share" their document and make changes that the others can see instantly. We begin two new units this week, geometry in math (specifically 2D and 3D shapes) and weather in science. And of course...we all know what is happening on Friday...the grade level winter party! Please join us from 1:30-2:30 if you are able to. Otherwise, I will be sure to post lots of pictures.
I hope everyone has a great week! I know we will in third grade!
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