Wow - only two days left until spring break! These last three weeks before spring break have flown by, and I apologize for not updating the blog more regularly. Here is a quick look at what we have done, and what is to come after spring break:
Math - Students have done a great job on this latest unit on fractions, which focused on comparing fractions and equivalent fractions. After spring break, we will move on to different forms of measurement, which includes time, weight, volume, and perimeter. It covers a wide variety of skills and really helps to prepare them for the STAAR test in May.
Science - We are completing our unit on outer space, where students learned about the different planets, and most importantly, about the relationship between the earth, moon and sun. Our next unit is environments and food chains. This study of environments will tie in nicely as we do our PBL research on either ocean or forest habitats.
Social studies - We wrapped up our economics unit with the Economics Fair on Tuesday the 12th. Students had a blast selling their creative and unique products, and learned a lot about running a business in the process.
Reading / Writing - We are in the middle of researching for our PBL on conservation, and will continue that after spring break. After completing their research, students will decide how they want to present the information they have learned to our class.
Upcoming reminders:
Spring Break - no school March 18-22
Ocean Adventures Assembly, arranged by the PTA - Monday March 25
Field trip to West Cave Preserve - Friday March 29
Good Friday - no school April 19
Ms. Na's last day as a student teacher - Friday May 3
STAAR Testing - May 13 and 14