Friday, February 23, 2018

Week in Review: February 19-23

This is a quick update for a quick 3 day week! We wrapped up our multiplication unit with a test on Friday in math. Next week, we will go back to fractions, learning about comparing fractions and equivalent fractions.

In language arts, we are moving away from traditional literature and into informational texts. This unit will also include our research for our PBL on habitat loss and endangered animals. In writing, we will be working on our editing skills as well as writing well organized expository paragraphs.

In science, we have begun out unit on space and have so far learned about the sun, earth, and moon and their relationship with each other. Ask your child about the model they built and have them explain to you how the earth and moon orbit.

We are still in the middle of our social studies unit on economics. Remember that economics fair products are due on Tuesday March 6. The kids are excited to sell their products that day at our Economics Fair. We will be creating advertisements for their products in class next week.

It is so hard to believe we only have 2 weeks until spring break. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Week in Review: February 12-16

This week in science, we wrapped up our weather unit with a test on Friday. We built anemometers on Monday, did some online water cycle activities, and worked on reading thermometers also.

In language arts, we continued working on our fairy tales, but also spent a day doing a required district writing assessment. Students were able to look at their reading STAAR ready test to see how they did, and to start making corrections. Over the next few weeks, we will be closely working on each passage so students will learn from their initial mistakes. I also want to congratulate the 10 students in our class who read at least 10 Bluebonnet Books and got to attend the Bluebonnet Breakfast Friday morning!

In math, we are continuing our work on multiplication, and have now learned all of the facts. Please be practicing these at home with your child so they become fluent in them. Next week (a short 3 day week), we will discuss multiplicative comparisons (twice as much, three times as many, etc.) and will have a unit test on Friday.

Ms. Lampkin has officially taken over teaching social studies, and is still working on economics related lessons. This will continue until after spring break.

Of course, the highlight of the week was the Valentine's Day party on Wednesday. Thanks to all who contributed or volunteered to make the party a success! Remember, no school for the kids on Monday or Tuesday. I hope they enjoy their 4 day weekend!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Week in Review: February 5-9

We began the week in science with a fun, interactive activity with Mrs. Swyers' class about shrinking habitats. This was to focus on our PBL project about habitat loss and endangered animals.  On Tuesday, we began our weather science unit and have been learning about different tools used by meteorologists, as well as comparing the weather forecasts daily of Round Rock and Lubbock, where Ms. Lampkin is from.

In math, we began our next multiplication unit by discussing the rules for 0s and 1s, and are now learning the 9s multiplication and division facts. This is definitely something you can practice with your kids at home!

In language arts, we are incorporating skills such as writing summaries, determining theme, and analyzing character traits while we continue to read a variety of traditional tales. Students are also busy writing their own tales!

Our social studies unit is still economics, and this week, students have learned about income and different types of jobs. They have also learned about supply and demand, and how that effects the price of goods and services. Please remember, students should be working on their Economics Fair products at home.

A couple of upcoming reminders: Valentine boxes need to be turned in on Tuesday February 13. Our party is at 1:30pm on Wednesday February 14, and students need to bring a Valentine for every student in the class, if they plan to participate in the exchange. Also, there is no school for studedents on Monday February 19 or Tuesday February 20, so make sure you have made arrangements.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Week in Review: January 29 through February 2

With two days devoted to STAAR Ready testing, this week really seemed to fly by. Over the next few weeks, I will be going over the  results with your child and we will be working in class on making corrections and becoming aware of skills we still need to work on.

We have wrapped up units on soil/natural resources in science and geometry in math. Our next science unit is weather, and for math, we are moving back into multiplication.

In social studies, we have begun our study over economics and are learning about needs and wants. Students should also be working on their products for the upcoming Economics Fair at home.

In language arts, we are continuing our study of traditional literature by reading lots of folktales, legends, fairy tales and fables. Soon, students will try their hand at writing their own!

Just a reminder that our class photo is next week, on Wednesday February 8. I hope everyone has a great weekend!