I can hardly believe I am writing my final blog post to you all. What a great year we have had together, and it has truly flown by. I have watched your sons and daughters grow and change so much this year, not just in size, but in their confidence and academic skills. They have made new friends, strengthened old friendships, and learned about kindness and community as we became a family this year. I hope they have happy memories of their third grade year, and please know that each one of them will always have a special place in my heart. Let them know they can email me over the summer, and I certainly hope they will pop in for a visit when they are big 4th graders next year!
I will leave you with some fun photos of our final visit with our kindergarten buddies, as well as some photos of our Hot Wheel track challenge....boys versus girls! I couldn't decide which track was better because both groups did a great job and their cars stayed on the track the whole time.
Enjoy the photos, and have a wonderful summer!!