We continued our unit on Objects in the Sky by reviewing important vocabulary terms and building a model that represents the position of the sun, earth and moon.
In math, we are continuing to learn about fractions. We tried a new learning strategy on Wednesday in which the students rotated through three stations. One station was fraction review games on the laptops, the second station was finishing up some partner work we had begun on Monday, and the third station was a new lesson with me. The general consensus was they love this new format! They liked the variety of activities, and they felt that they learned more in a small group. We will certainly continue to do this as often as we can. We wrapped up the week with practicing understanding fraction sets by using color counters and white boards (apparently much more fun than writing in our math notebooks!)
A few announcements for next week:
- Monday morning, all third grade students will take the district reading benchmark assessment.
- On Tuesday, I will be out of the classroom for a team planning day, so please remind your child at home that I have the same expectations of behavior even when I am not there!
- Wednesday is an early release day for students at 12:45pm.
- Scholastic book orders are due on Thursday.
- Next week is counselor appreciation week, and we are encouraging students to wear a Superhero shirt on Friday in honor of our SUPER counselor Mrs. Robinson. We will also have a test over fractions on Friday, and a review will go home on Monday as homework.
Whew, I think that is it! I can hardly believe January is behind us...it will be spring break before you know it. Enjoy your weekend, and I will see the students on Monday.